Saturday, February 16, 2008

Fashion and FISA

Call this a strange juxtaposition, but both fashion and FISA are on my mind right now.

Fashion: I recently subscribed to Vanity Fair for its great articles. I’ve become fascinated by the ads, which take up three-quarters of the magazine. Last night I came across this one in the March issue. It’s a Balenciaga, a fashion house started by Christobal Balenciaga in 1914. I’m definitely not up on fashion if this outfit is the latest thing.

FISA: Maybe the reason I’m so hopelessly out of fashion is that I care way more about what’s happening to this country. For those of you (whether you dress in the latest fashions or not) who want to know more about the consequences of the Protect America Act lapsing today and Bush’s dire warnings that this could result in a terrorist attack worse than 9/11, read Glenn Greenwald’s February 14th post, "FISA 101" (click "Enter Salon" at the top right of the ad after a few seconds).

(photo: Vanity Fair)

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