Saturday, July 21, 2007

Heifer International - A refuge from a world of woes

The past few days I have felt overwhelmed by the news. I’m particularly disturbed by what appears to be a coup by the Bush Administration in invoking “Executive Privilege” to forestall any oversight by Congress into any and all activities by members of the Executive Branch. If this is of interest to you, I highly recommend Glenn Greenwald’s Bush's magical shield from criminal prosecution - The administration's latest power of lawbreaking is but a natural extension of its long-held theories and Scott Horton’s A Republic, If You Can Keep It, both posted on July 20.

Fortunately my July/August issue of World Ark, published by Heifer International , arrived yesterday. On January 27, I posted My end run around the government, about my involvement with Heifer International. Today, thanks to the arrival of its bi-monthly magazine, it’s my refuge until I can gather up my energy to keep tilting at Washington windmills.

I hope you’ll take a look at Lester Brown’s article in World Ark, A $93 billion tab we can't afford not to pay about restoring the earth. For more about Lester Brown’s plan to save the environment, check Tod Brilliant’s blog. Tod is tirelessly promoting Lester Brown’s book, Plan B, Version 2.0 (which you can download for free).

Heck, the US is spending $12 billion a month to destroy Iraq and Afghanistan. If eight months of funds were diverted from this destruction to restoring the earth, there would be $96 billion to spend!

Finally, for an uplift, check out the article in World Ark about artist Betty LaDuke, who travels about the world and creates wonderful artwork for Heifer. Then visit her website. I promise you’ll feel better.

(drawing - Betty LaDuke website)

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