Friday, February 02, 2007

Tom Engelhardt, Blogger, Author and Editor

If I were told that I had to give up all sources of news but one, I would pick I discovered this blog early in 2003, and I don’t think I’ve missed a post since.

At TomDispatch, Tom Engelhardt sifts through the news and finds what’s important. His analysis and synthesis saves me an incredible amount of time. He also creates a forum for voices that need to be heard, like Chalmers Johnson, whose recent contribution "Empire v. Democracy", is well worth reading.

Tom has written three books, The End of Victory Culture, The Last Days of Publishing, and Mission Unaccomplished. I recommend every one of them.

And get this, he has edited more than 250 books! My fantasy goal is to read every one of these books, but may run out of time since I’m in my sixties. I recommend the following three to those who may sometimes feel that the current situation is hopeless: Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit, The Unconquerable World by Jonathan Schell, and Bury the Chains by Adam Hochschild.

A recent TomDispatch project is U.S. v. Bush, et al., by Elizabeth de la Vega. If you need help convincing your family and friends that Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfield and Powell have conspired to defraud the citizens by taking us to war in Iraq, this is a must-read.

Tom has co-created the The American Empire Project, which features books published by Metropolitan Books. In these books, which are short and argument-driven, our leading writers and thinkers mount an immodest challenge to the fateful exercise of empire-building and explore every facet of the developing American imperium, while suggesting alternate ways of thinking about, confronting, and acting in a new American century.

Finally, Tom is a fellow of the Nation Institute and is a teaching fellow at the journalism school at the University of California, Berkeley.

Let’s face it, folks, there aren’t very many heroes out there, but a few like Tom Engelhardt go a long way toward making our world a better place to live.

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